Product Details

The product combines two antibiotics with high activity against Gram negative and positive bacteria and mycoplasma, it is readily absorbed and distributes in tissues and plasma, especially in mammary gland, lungs and secretions. And Dexamethasone has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

For treatment of:mamitis, Pneumo-enteritis, broncho-pneumonia, colibacilosis and salmonella in Cattle, sheep
And used for, Enzootic pneumonia caused by Pasteurella, atrophic rhinitis in Pigs.

* Do not use in case of: hipersensitivity to any of the active
substances and animals suffering from renal failure.
* Do not use in pregnancy in all animals.

Not to be use with Betalactam antibiotics and Cefalosporines.

Deep Intramuscular. Injection :
Cattle: 20 ml, calves: 10-20 ml, Sheep: 2-6 ml, Pigs: 10-20 ml
Generally : 1 ml / 10 kg B.W. 2 – 3 days.

Meat:28 days Milk:7 days

Store in dark, dry and cool place
