Product Details

A broad spectrum antibactirial used for treatment of certain Mycoplasma species, spirochetes, serpulina hyodisenteriae. And active against positive Gram bacteria: staphylococcus, streptococcus, erysipelotrix rhusiopathiae, corynebacterium pyogenes, clostridium, and negative Gram bacteria: fusobacterium necrophorum, pasteurella, bordetella brochiseptica

Used especially For treatment of Mycoplasma and for respiratory and genito-urinary infections, and secondary infections, associated with viral diseases, foul in the foot, pneumonia, mastitis, in cattle, sheeps and goat .

not to be used in lactating dairy cows.

Intramuscular Injection :
cattle, Sheep, goats :3-5 ml/100 kg Body weight for 3-5 days

Meat: 21 days

Store in dark, dry and cool place

50ml - 100ml