Product Details

This product contains Oxyclozanide & Levamisole:
Oxyclozanide active against liver flukes (fasciola- hepatica) especialy adult flukes, after absorption it reaches high concentration in kidney, liver and the intestines.
Levamisole has a broad spectrum activity against nematode (adult and larval stages), gastrointestinal, and lungworms, it has immunostimulamt effect.
Used for treatment of gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematode infections, chronic fascioliasis in cattle, sheep and goats.

do not used in primary monthes of pregnancy

By oral doser gun, only single dose
Cows : 25 ml./100 kg. Body weight.
Sheep & Goats : 2-2.5 ml./10 kg. Body weight.

Meat: 28 days - Milk: 3days.

Protect from light, below 25 C, Out of reach of children .
