About Us

About Us

About Us

Delta Company for Veterinary Drugs was established in 2003. It began the activities of licensing, construction, and preparations to obtain the necessary licenses from the Ministry of Agriculture – Directorate of Animal Health – Department of Veterinary Drugs on 29/11/2005 with license number 3665/no.

The license includes two drug lines:

–  Liquid and suspension production line.

–  Injection drug production line.

We have started conducting experiments and researches to start producing veterinary drugs and licensing them from the Ministry of Agriculture. Marketing started in mid-2006 for eight veterinary pharmaceuticals. Now, we have about 25 duly licensed pharmaceuticals. We have more than 30 products under licensing and studying. We aspire to increase the number of production lines and products needed by the local market and the markets of neighboring countries.

The departments of the factory:

– Water treatment and distillation department.

– Air filtration and sterilization department in the injection department.

– Injection preparation and sterilization department.

– Liquid and oral suspension department.

– Powder department

– Physical and chemical laboratory for drugs analysis.

–   Biological laboratory to examine the sterility of drugs.

– Drug monitoring and its stability department.

This is an overview of our company now, and we always aspire to further development and progress.