Product Details

Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug with analgesic and antipyretic properties by inhibit the prostaglandin. Ketoprofen is a potent analgesic with central and peripheral effects. In the Horse , Ketoprofen counteracts the endotoxin effect and antagonizes the intestinal spasm induced by bradykinin, Ketoprofen is rapidly absorbed and over 98% bound to plasma proteins in less than one hour after intramuscular administration.

Cattel: antiinflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic used for: inflammatory associated with respiratory diseases, mammary oedema, smooth muscles spasms, Arthritis acut and chronic, acute mastitis.
Horses: antiinflammatory, analgesic of osteoarticular and musculoskeletal systems, especially: lameness of traumatic origin, Arthritis, fractures, tendinitis, neurothecities and foot affections.

* Do not used for in animals with severe kidney failure and
Hypersensitivity to Ketoprofen.
* Do not used to pregnant mares and to colts less than 15 days of age

For I.M . – I.V. Inj.:
Cows, Sheep: 3 ml/100 kg b.w. For 2-3 consecutive days
Horses : 1 ml/ 45 kg b.w. For 3-5 consecutive days

Meat: 4 days

Store in dark, dry and cool place

50ml - 100ml