Product Details

An antibiotic active against positive and negative Gram, used for: pasteurella, pleuropneumonia actinomyceto, streptococcus, colibacillus, salmonella, pneumococcus, hemophilus, staphy mycoplasma, chlamydia, leptospira and rickettsia, , in cows, horses, sheep, and pigs .

*Do not used with penicillins.
*Do not used with alkali drugs.
*Do not used in lactating dairy animals for human
Consumption and in pulls for impregnation

I.M . slow Inj.
Generally : 0.7 ml / 10 kg b.w.
cows, horses : 20- 30 ml
Calves, sheep, pigs : 5- 10 ml.
A second dose should be administered after 48 hours.

Meat: 30 days

Store in dark, dry and cool place

50ml - 100ml