Product Details

Ivermectin is derived from the Avermectins, a family of highly active antiparasitic agents which are isolated from fermentation of the soil organism Streptomyces Avermitilis which effect in treatment and control internal and external parasites that effect on animal healthy and productivity.

Used for treatment and control of the following:
Gastro-intestinal Nematodes: Haemonchus, Cooperia, Nem-atodirus, Ostertagia, Trichuris, Strongyloides.
Lungworms: Dictocaulus, Protostrongylus.
Nasal bot (all larval stages):Oestrus ovis on sheep.
Warble flies: Hypoderma, Mange mites: Psoroptes, Sacroptes andChorioptes, Sucking lice: Linognathus, Haematopinus, Solenopotes, in cows, sheeps and camels.

-Not to be used in lactating dairy animals for human consumption
-Not to be used interavenously or intramuscularly.
-Not to be used to calves less 12 weeks of age.

For Supcutaneous Inj.:
Cows, Sheep, camels: 1 ml/ 50 kg B.W.

Meat:35 days.

Store in dark, dry and cool place

50ml - 100ml