Product Details

FLUNIX is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is a potent analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory. it works by inhibiting the Production of prostaglandins of body that stimulate the inflammatory of body. FLUNIX is quickly absorbed into the blood , the activity starts within one to two hours.

An analgesic, antipyretic, and antispasmotic drug. used for treatment of septic and endotoxic in gastro-intestinal,and after surgery, and for treatment of corneal ulcers, with strong painful, It reduce or control fevers due to viral or bacterial infections. For the treatment of arthritis. In Horses, Ruminants, and dogs

For I.M . – I.V. Inj.
Horses, Ruminants: 2.2 ml / 100 kg b.w. By I.M
1 ml / 100 kg b.w. By I.V
Dogs : 0.1 – 0.2 ml / 10 kg b.w. By I.V

Meat: 10 days

Store in dark, dry and cool place

*do not used with other medications *do not used intra-arterial. *Do not used for cats

50ml - 100ml