Product Details

GENTA T.S a broad spectrum antibiotic with Trimithopim and Sulphadimidine used for treatment the infections caused by positive and negative Gram bacteria as:
Cattle: pneumonia, diarrhea, mastitis.
Sheep: pneumonia, diarrhea, pasteurellosis, colibacillosis
Swine:pneumonia, diarrhea, colibacillosis, mastitis, metritis

Hypersensitivity to each of compoundes of product.

Nefrotoxicity in lengthy treatments and of high doses.

The toxic effects of GENTA T.S increase with other Aminoglycosides, General anesthetics, neuromuscular blockings.

Deep I.M . Inj.
Generally : 1 ml/10 kg B.W, 2-3 days.
Sheep, swine :5-10 ml adult animal – 1-5 ml young animal.
Cattle :30-40 ml. Calfs : 10-15 ml.

Meat:10 days Milk:6 days

Store in dark, dry and cool place

50ml - 100ml